

Mine ShaftWe went on another December and early January expedition to the Southwest again this year.  This time we trekked to California and the Eastern Sierra, then backtracked to Utah to visit some of our favorite places to photograph.  We saw mild weather and very cold weather on our journey.  We had blue skies, cloudy skies, rain and snow.  Susan and I shot a lot of film, and now it is time to get the notes in order and begin the darkroom work.

We photographed 20 days of the 30 days we were out.  We drove 4,102 miles and made a lot of snapshots.  HERE is our latest trip album. . . enjoy!


Posted by JB Harlin in Film, Photography, Travel


CANHAM 4X10Almost forgot about the other little project we undertook a few months back. Susan found a KB Canham 4×10 and it ended up in our possession. Because we strive to keep our equipment as homogeneous as possible, the new camera required a few modifications just like my 8×10.CANHAM 4X10

Everything around here seems to end up in the shop before it hits the road. So, here is another little story about camera modification. Take a look at the article WHY MODIFY ANOTHER CAMERA? to see what happened this time.

The good news is we took the cameras on a little outing a few weeks ago and the negatives were just fine. No light leaks, nor any other strangeness. Guess this one is ready for the road. Time for fall, then winter, and much cooler weather to get out and haul some equipment around.


Posted by JB Harlin in DIY, Photography


FOR SALEWhat are you looking for? A new camera? Pieces and parts? A new lens? We are cleaning out our equipment closet and it is time for some things to go to someone that can use them. The excess equipment we no longer need may be just what you are looking for.

Drop by the new area on our web site FOR SALE and take look. There just may be something you really need. And you will be helping us with our spring cleaning!


Posted by JB Harlin in Photography


Why on earth would someone take a new, perfectly good, working camera and make numerous modifications to the original design? Maybe more to the point, who would do such a thing? Well, I would! Especially if it makes the functionality of the device more easily fit my mode and way of working.

I have said this many times and I will repeat it here; I want the hardware involved in the process of making a photograph to be as transparent as possible. By transparent, I mean that the equipment should not be a distraction when out in the field making an image. I want the hardware to fit my way of working so well that I do not have to concentrate on working with it. I do not want to have to fumble with the camera and be distracted by some aspect of its operation that is not fluid in its use.

The way I make my cameras as transparent as possible is to modify them to whatever extent necessary to make them fit me. Yes, this requires I disassemble the camera and make modifications. I would rather do this now, in my shop, where I can work out these things so they do not hamper me later in the field.

What is all of this about? Well, I just acquired a new K.B. Canham 8×10 camera and in order to make it fit me better, I had to make a few modifications. If you are interested in seeing what I did, take a look at NOTHING HERE REMAINS THE SAME; PERSONALIZING MY K.B. CANHAM 8X10 for a look at what I did.

Have fun reading this account, but remember kids. . . you may not want to try this at home!
JB Harlin

Posted by JB Harlin in DIY, Photography


VIEW CAMERA We joined a group of local LF photographers last Saturday for a gathering and group shoot at a local park. I have to say that we had a great time. Met some new friends and saw some old ones also. It was a fun time for sure and I am glad we were able to attend. There were nineteen people there and most every kind of camera you could imagine from DSLRs to 8x10s. There was most every level of experience, from beginner to seasoned pro. The talk was lively and the interaction was priceless.

I hauled an 8×10 camera, set it up with several lenses, and let those that were interested look and ask questions. The thing is, I did not expose a single sheet of film. I really had no intention of making an exposure. I was there to enjoy the interaction with like-minded folks. I was there to talk shop. This was a gathering organized for the purpose of letting the interested see what a view camera is and how it works. This is the best way to learn whether you should look more seriously into LF, or not. Working with a view camera is not for everyone. I would never recommend to anyone that they run out and buy a big camera.

I took film, just in case something did materialize, but I never put a holder in the camera. I, for the most part, had no intention of making photographs. Certainly there were some visually interesting things going on in the park, but I was not in the mode of making images. I was in the Left Brain Mode of talking about cameras and how they work.

Creativity is something that I have to prepare for. I have to put my mind into Right Brain Mode to go out to shoot film. I need to be, for the most part, alone with myself in a visually stimulating environment in order to work efficiently. For me, creativity is an extremely personal thing that requires every ounce of my attention. I have learned that I seldom ever produce anything of merit when I am with a group. There are far too many distractions for me to think productively. So for an outing like this, I just go to enjoy the company and conversation about my favorite subject. If I find something that I feel requires my uninterrupted attention, I will go back later by my self to explore.

The most important thing about this outing was just being out there with others that share like interests. I love to talk shop, but I can’t do it and seriously photograph. I know this from years of experience, so we went to the park, met up with a great bunch of people. Talked each other to death, had lunch and enjoyed ourselves. It was not a day to be creative for me. It was a day to be social and have a lot of fun.

Almost forgot to mention. . . I picked up a new 8×10 camera. . . my first KB Canham!


Posted by JB Harlin in Commentary, Photography