JB will be giving a talk titled “THE ART OF B&W PHOTOGRAPHY” at the Lake Granbury Art Association Monday, October 12th, at 7:00pm. JB, assisted by Susan, will present a slide show outlining their travels and how they use Large and Ultra Large Format Cameras to create Fine Art Photographs.

We would like to invite everyone to join us. More information can be found on the Lake Granbury Art Association web site. Hope to see you there!

JB & Susan

Posted by JB Harlin in Events, Photography



The only thing that should be larger than your coffee cup is your lens!

The discussion came up the other day about making coffee. Being an avid coffee drinker, I have experimented with coffee for years. I have tried many different ways to make coffee and have come up with what is easy, yet makes what I think is an acceptable cup of java for me.

If you are interested in what I do and how I do it. . . that is as far as brewing coffee. . . take a look on our web site in the Articles area for the PDF download of “My Recipe For Good Coffee” and as always remember, Your Mileage May Vary.

Posted by JB Harlin in Commentary, Non-Photographic

f8 & Be There

A friend e-mailed me the other day saying there was an interesting discussion about the quote “f8 & Be There” supposedly credited to Weegee, a.k.a. Arthur Fellig (June 12, 1899 – December 26, 1968) going around on the Internet. I have my interpretation of this quote, and it requires little thought on my part to understand what it means to me. But I guess in this modern day computerized world of digital everything, so called “photographers” have lost a connection to the basic craft of dedication, exposure and artistic vision?

The world we live in today is far too complicated. Made so by all of the choices and distractions we face every waking hour. One of the first real realizations of maturity is to realize you can never Have It All! You will never live long enough! You have to make choices as to what is important. You have to pick and choose what you really want and then stick to it. You cannot be an astronaut, a brain surgeon, a rock star, a movie star, and on, and on. . . Trying to Have It All, will only lead you to ruin. Having it all is an advertiser’s myth, created to sell you soap, cars, windows, insulation, ocean cruises, and imagined happiness.

So, what does “f8 & Be There” mean to me? Pretty simple. . . for me it is a term pertaining to photography and simply means if you want to be a photographer you have to make the decision a conscious choice.

* Turn off the computer
* Turn off the TV
* Turn off the cell phone
* Turn off texting
* Turn off the obsessions. . . sports, soap operas, talk shows, music videos, lame network prime time shows. . .
* Remove all distractions. . .
* Flush all of the clutter from your life

What “f8 & Be There” means to me is, if you really want to be a photographer, you have to dedicate yourself to photography. Forsaking all other interests to get out there and be a photographer with all you have to give to the medium. “f8 & Be There” means dedication and focus on one, and only one passion, your photography. You have to really want to, not just kind of want to. That choice is yours, but remember whatever you choose, you can never Have It All.

If you really want a glimpse of what dedication to your passion entails, read “The Daybooks” by Edward Weston. Passion to the point of starvation was the dedication this man gave to his art.


Posted by JB Harlin in Commentary, Photography


LensBoard001sIf you own a wooden camera, be it a modern model or an old one, you will eventually need a lens board. The first thing most people do is try to find a suitable lens board from a dealer, off the internet or have one custom manufactured. But, did you know it is not that difficult to make your own. And, if you make it yourself you know it will fit!

Most modern wooden lens boards are made of solid hardwood and require three to four pieces of material to construct. Believe me nothing is more frustrating than to go through the process of fitting machining hardwood pieces to have them warp or crack. Also, nothing looks worse than a piece of birch plywood painted black.

So, what to do? I say make your own using plywood. Correct. . . Plywood. It will not warp or crack and is easily obtainable. All you have to do to make it look decent is to veneer the outside with the same wood as your camera and finish it. You will not be able to tell the difference from the solid wood boards.

Take a trip to your local woodworking store, or search on line, for some high-laminate birch plywood in the nearest thickness to the lens board that your camera uses. Hobby shops also sell suitable high-grade plywood. You will also need a few pieces of veneer of the correct type. I cross laminate the veneer and it looks just like the multi-piece hardwood boards. Look on the Internet for tips on wood laminating, it is not that hard to do. Carefully measure an original lens board and using a saw and router duplicate the profile and sand to fit your camera.

The hardest part is drilling the hole for the shutter. Here you will need a Forstner bit that is the closest to the size of the shutter you intend to mount. Remember that most shutters are metric, so choose a drill that is just under the desired size. You can then us a round file and sand paper to adjust the fit.

Once you are satisfied that everything fits, it is time to finish the board. I black the back of my boards along with the light trap offset and edges. I use black India ink which penetrates the wood and dries to a flat, non-reflective finish. Only the veneer front requires a fine finish. I use varnish, you can use spray acrylic if you like. You may have to apply stain to match your camera, experiment on a scrap of veneer first.

It is really easy to make your own high-quality lens boards. The last time I did this I made about six blanks and I still have extra undrilled boards on hand.


Posted by JB Harlin in DIY, How-To, Photography


SUSAN PHOTOSusan’s photo ‘Orange Spring Mound’ took one of seven awards in the 2009 TAC Juried Membership Show last evening. She received recognition as a selected example of excellent and admirable art and a $100.00 gift certificate.

We had a really great time talking with new and old friends and a good time seemed to be had by all. The exhibition will be up through August 30, 2009. . . thanks everyone!!!

Posted by JB Harlin in Film, Photography, Presentation

2009 TAC Juried Membership Show

Orange Spring Mound

Susan and I have each had a photograph selected to be included in the upcoming Fort Worth Community Arts Center 2009 TAC Juried Membership Show. We have received notification that Susan’s “Orange Spring Mound” and JB’s “Canyonlands” were chosen as finalists in this annual competi


Awards will be presented at the Artists Reception August 7, 2009, 6-9pm. The exhibition will run August 7, 2009 through August 30, 2009 at the Fort Worth Community Arts Center, 1300 Gendy Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76107.

We would like to invite everyone to join us for the reception and awards presentation.

JB & Susan

Posted by JB Harlin in Film, Photography

Susan Has New Photos

SNOWSusan has been faithfully printing new negatives for the last three months. She has several new photos from our last trip to Southern Utah now added to her web gallery.

There are also new images from older negatives, both 4×10 and 8×20 that did not work out well on some of the paper we had on hand at the time. Using some vintage Kodak Azo paper and a modified developer formula, she was able to make some brilliant prints from these older photographs from earlier trips. To view Susan’s photo gallery click HERE.

Thanks for looking,

JB & Susan

Posted by JB Harlin in Photography

Dry Mounting Photographs

To dry mount or not. . . that is a question? This debate seems to roll on forever. Sort of like Ford or Chevy? Is there really a correct answer? I have made my choice.
For me there is nothing that comes close to a properly dry mounted photograph. Once I made my choice, all I had to do was learn the process. I worked out a method that gives me what I like, and if you are interested in dry mounting your photos and have never learned the process, I have a little booklet that details my procedure.


This is not the only way, it is just my way. . . and. . . if you are interested, it is FREE!!! Take a look HERE for “DRY MOUNTING PHOTOGRAPHS” pdf download.


Posted by JB Harlin in DIY, How-To, Photography, Presentation


VIEW CAMERAIn a previous post I talked about issues that seem to crop up when shooting sheet film. When I refer to issues, I am talking about things you can do unintentionally that may or may not ruin a particular negative. See my previous post “WHAT CAN GO WRONG?” for a better idea of the issues.

We spent the entire month of December 2008 in Utah. This was one of our typical photo trips and we were there to make photographs. This trip we brought back 276 sheets of film in four formats ranging from 4×10 to 11×14.

Mistakes? Who makes mistakes? Issues? What Issues? Of the film that I exposed, I had 136 sheets in two sizes. Of those sheets, there were three sheets that I ruined, due to just plain dumb mistakes.

At lot of my mistakes come near the end of the day, when I am tired. Lugging 40-50 pounds all day in the snow will wear you down. I do make mistakes. No matter how hard I try, I seem to always screw up a few sheets of film. The biggest one this trip you ask? I double exposed an absolutely great photo of glowing cottonwood trees. I now have this strange 8×10 negative with two large trees. . . at right angles! Yes, the first exposure was a horizontal, the second was vertical. Oh well. I did make several other negatives of the same tree, so not all is lost. And as I said in my previous post, I had a few choice words!


Posted by JB Harlin in Commentary, Photography