It seems that working in the darkroom is magic. Developing film has little visual magic, that is to say, you see no magic, because most all film processing is done in total darkness. The magic is reserved for when you turn on the lights. But, printing is a different story. Under the dim glow of the safelight you can actually see the printed image appear, seemingly from nothing. It is a magical experience to see the photograph develop right before your eyes. No matter how many times I process a print, it is still magic to see the transformation. There is something that is otherworldly about what happens in that tray of liquid. But is it really magic?
It is well understood that a magician performing slight of hand or an illusion has many secrets. If you knew how a magic trick was done, it would ruin the experience. So in the world of magic, there are many secrets. And the working magicians guard those secrets well. Though photography seems to be magical, there are no secrets. There are no secret formulas, techniques or mystical incantations used when making traditional photographs in the wet darkroom. If you dig deep enough, you will find just about everything you would ever want to know about photography. There are no hidden secrets, only the basics of the process. Once these basics are mastered, there are many variations and techniques one can apply to achieve their personal vision.
I can say without reservation that I have no secrets. What I have learned over the years is the product of finding those techniques that work best for me and applying them as I see fit. Working in the wet darkroom and with film is about starting with the basics. You need a firm foundation of craft upon which to build your creativity. Next you apply different refining techniques and utilize them as needed to suit your vision. And what is so interesting about this is, you can do the same. You have to find what works for you.
I can also say that I never stop learning. Every time I step into the darkroom I push the boundaries of my abilities. I strive to continually learn new things that work for me. Interestingly enough, nothing I do is particular to me. Everything I do is something I learned from someone else, or an article, or publication I found. There just are no secrets. It is a matter of rolling up your sleeves and expanding your proficiency by doing.
My best advice to the newcomer to traditional photography is to come to the realization there are no magic bullets. There are no short cuts. You will only master the art form through seriously and continuously striving to achieve the results that suit you. Never stop learning and expanding your abilities.
Sorry, prestidigitation will not work. Don’t waste your time looking for that magic shortcut. . . it doesn’t exist. But the good news is there are no secrets. You only have to roll up your sleeves and learn the process, the old fashion way. You can’t say PRESTO and pull a beautifully printed photograph out of your hat!