Susan and I were recently invited to visit the camera club we were members of many years ago. Back in the days before digital turned camera clubs into computer clubs we were both serious club members. Susan is a past club president and I a past vice president. Over the years this club’s membership has changed and many of the old hands we knew have moved on. The majority of those attending were new faces, but there were quite a few dedicated members we knew from years past.
The meeting brought back fond memories of being in a room with fifty or more like-minded people, all sharing their interest in photography. We had a great time visiting and catching up with what our old friends are up to now days. The group seems to still be motivated, with several photography outings planned and even a few workshops. Of course all they seem to know about is digital, PhotoShop and LightRoom.
What struck me like a bolt from the blue was the remarks that came up when the word film was added to the conversation. Blank faces; jaw drops; and a look of confusion when we mentioned we still shoot film. The same questions came up; you can still get film? When informed that film was still there and gaining in popularity, there was even more silence.
This just dumbfounded me and leads me to question myself. I have to ask, what can I do to get the word out about film? Here we were with a group of motivated photography buffs, and all they seem to be aware of is one single path for photographic expression. This situation begs the question, what can we as dedicated film shooters collectively do to make sure the world knows film is still there? Maybe we should all attend our local camera clubs and try to inform everyone that there is an alternative to being a computer club. If you are interested in the art and craft of photography, there should be a well rounded interest in all forms of visual expression. Film, digital, alternative processes; they are all valid. Even today! Our interest centers around traditional film and wet darkroom and that is what we do. Thing is, others interested can do it too. . . if only they knew it still existed.
Hello World. . . Film Is Not Dead!