This is a fascinating little film made by Indie Film Lab and sponsored by Kodak. Rather than try to explain it all, here is what they have to say;
Published on Nov 16, 2013
Earlier this year, Indie Film Lab took a trip from Montgomery, AL to Las Vegas, NV for the annual WPPI trade show. After we decided it would be more interesting to travel via RV than plane, we started planning our trip around the places we wanted to see. Originally, we had an idea to create a 5-10 minute video of our trip, for fun, then Kodak came on board and our project has turned into a 47 minute feature. The film has now turned the focus less on the trip, to more on the photographers themselves and why they shoot film. We can’t thank Kodak and all our friends who helped and supported us and our project. We hope you enjoy the film and are inspired to create things you truly care for, in a way you are truly passionate. Long Live Film.
You can find the film on YouTube at this address:
I suggest if you are a photographer or are interested in photography, that you sit down and take the time to watch this 47 minute video. Listen carefully to what the people are saying. Take note that those interviewed are not a bunch of old fogies “dinosaurs” that are bitter about film getting a bad rap. These are young, first generation digital only photographers that are beginning to realize that they have been lied to.
They are beginning to “get it!” They are realizing that digital is not a replacement for film. It is simply another art form. . . another way of working. Listen carefully to how nearly everyone interviewed talks about the look of film being different.
This is a breath of fresh air. Exactly what I was hoping would happen. . . the younger generation has suddenly discovered they have an alternative when it comes to their photographic art. You cannot hide the truth. Truth always rises to the top. Do not be fooled into thinking anything is a dead ringer replacement for anything else. You can bank on it!
Shoot digital. . . shoot film. . . it does not matter to me. Just don’t tell me film is dead and that digital is a replacement for film. Digital can not do everything film can, nor can film do everything digital can. Not so. . . choose your tools wisely. As Fred Picker used to say;
“Different Is Not The Same!”