Susan and I are honored to have been chosen to be two of six judges for the first Ries Photo Contest sponsored by Ries Tripods. The sponsors hope to make this an annual event and that all depends on you entering your photographs. The theme of this contest is “HANDS” and is open to artistic interpretation.
Here is a quote from the contest web site;
We created this contest in the interest of promoting the art of photography. Please, be creative, have fun, and continue to pursue the passion. We also wanted this to count for something, so we are helping Operation Photo Rescue in conjunction with the 2nd place photo. Please visit their website & see if you can help.
1st Place: Winners Choice – Tripod (A100, J100, or H100) and Head (A200, A250, J100, or J250. Custom Engraved with winners name.
2nd Place: A J100 tripod will be auctioned on E-Bay, with the proceeds going to Operation Photo Rescue in the name of the 2nd Place Winner.
3rd Place: A J100 tripod will be donated to the Photographic School of your choice as outlined in the rules, in the name of the 3rd Place Winner

Go to the RIES PHOTO CONTEST web site to enter. Here you will find the JUDGES. There is a $10.00 entry fee and you can find more information, the CONTEST RULES and ENTRY FORM.
We are looking forward to seeing your entries and hope you enjoy the contest!