Finally got in a fall outing, but it didn’t really feel like fall.  The day started out nice, but by afternoon the humidity and heat were back.  But, we made the best of it.  Had a good group to start the day, but by noon Susan and I were the only ones left.  We visited the Fall Festival that was going on in the park and stayed for the day.  We finally caught up with Michael, who had another photography engagement for the first half of the day, and had a late lunch about 3:00.

The light as the sun rose above the horizon was really nice on the old barns and wood, but it was even better toward sunset.  We made several photos, I with my 8×10 and Susan was testing some new 4×10 holders.  Got to check out Mike’s Ritter 7×11 camera, a new format for me, and Robert was exercising his, new-to-him, 8×10.  We had a lot of the usual photo chat and talk, showed some photos, and I believe everyone had a great day.  We didn’t get home till nearly 8:00pm.

It was a fun, but hot day, and might just have a couple of keepers!