Despite the fact that I really detest the heat, especially when it gets into the 80’s, we gathered before sunrise on the square in
downtown Pilot Point Saturday. Texas is now into 30 consecutive days of 100+ temperatures, so in order to get out and have some photo fun when it drops all the way to 80 you have to get up early.
We had a good gathering in the summer heat. We all made a hasty retreat by about 8:30 to the local eatery for breakfast and shelter inside where the A/C was cranking. We continued for a couple more hours of shop talk and tall stories.
Michael said, “Fifteen photographers in all, ranging in age from 28 to 82.” We had a great time, met some new LF shooters, a great breakfast, and discussed photography. What else could you ask for?
Next gathering will be Saturday August 20th in East Texas. We will head over to meet Ty Guillory on his ranch in Mineola, Texas to learn about wet plate photography.
Don’t let anyone tell you we are afraid of the Texas heat. . . we don’t like it, but we have to make the best of it.