Seems as you shoot larger and larger formats, you find more and more mistakes to make. Anyone that has spent much time with a view camera knows all of those common mistakes you can make. No matter how experienced you are, and what you do to create a routine, something happens every now and then.
Just to name a few things that will come up to ruin your film; you pull the dark slide without closing the lens; you forget to set the aperture; you forget to pull the dark slide; you forget to cock the shutter, and the noise of the running water is so loud you cannot hear if the shutter fired; you fail to get the film holder properly seated in the camera back; there is dust on the film, always right in a nice even area of sky; strange light leaks; lens flare; camera flare; you kick the tripod after taking forever to get the image framed just right; and don’t forget double exposure. This can go on and on. Any number of other things, can and will happen, that are just right to ruin that great photograph.