Never heard of Fred Picker? How about Zone VI Studios? If not, and if you are a serious practitioner of photographic art, I would suggest you learn about all of the aforementioned.
Fred Picker originally was a commercial photographer that developed a one-of-a-kind photographic specialties business in Vermont. Zone VI Studios manufactured and sold view cameras, B&W darkroom supplies and custom built equipment. Sadly Fred sold Zone VI to Calumet Photographic in the 1990’s. He stayed on for a few years and finally retired completely. Calumet has slowly phased out Zone VI products and they are now relegated to only being available used. Sadly Fred died in 2002. This was a great loss to the photographic community.
One of the best things that Fred left for all of us fellow artists is his newsletter. He published the Zone VI Newsletter, a quarterly little pamphlet filled with wisdom, wit and information, from 1973 till 1995. There are 83 newsletters in the collection and if you can find a set for a reasonable price, buy it! (Watch eBay)